Note: Class registration for the 2024-2025 school year has ended.
If you are interested in participating in Grow in Grace Co-Op, please click the Join button above. You will be prompted to create a free account on our website, enabling us to send you notices of registration dates for the following year. Class registration usually opens in June.
Families pay a yearly membership fee in addition to nominal class supply fees. The yearly membership fee for the 2024-2025 school year is $120 per family.
Class enrollment is on a first-come basis and limited to the maximum number of students set for each class. Enrollment in your classes of choice is not guaranteed. Current members are given first chance at registration.
You are free to choose how many (depending on availability) or how few classes your children will participate in. As a parent you will still be expected to help in the required number of areas (teaching, assisting, etc.).